Celtic Altar Cloths


These gorgeous 100% rayon altar cloths in brilliant jewel tones are the perfect finishing touch for your ritual space! They also make great wall decorations, and if you worship yourself (always a sensible practice) you can also wear one as a skirt! I'm 5'9" and weigh 200 pounds, and mine is comfortable with plenty of room to spare. Average size 66 x 46 inches, give or take an inch or two.
Spider in Celtic Web

Grandmother Spider weaves her web of wisdom over the world.

Colors in stock: Red Blue Purple Green

Celtic Horses

The horse is an ancient symbol of power, freedom, and attunement with the natural world in multiple cultures.

Colors in stock: Red Purple

Four Directions

The equal-armed Celtic Cross symbolizes Four Elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth in balance and harmony.

Colors in stock: Red Blue Purple Green


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